Short Film - Music Video
Role: Director, Cinematography, Edit & Color
Logic Of Color
Unreleased music video for Wye Oak.
I was asked to create a music video for Wye Oak's track Logic Of Color, but I was traveling. I had planned a few week trip to Europe with my Girlfriend. I flew into New York for a few days, then out to Barcelona. A couple days later, when she arrived, I proposed to her in the streets of Barcelona. We went on to Ibiza to stay with friends and then travelled to Paris.
Before I left I bought a Sony CyberShot off of Amazon, figuring I would film the trip and make a music video from that footage. This video I was planning to send to Wye Oak.
Instead of a Euro-trip music video, it turned into a few minutes of me being overwhelming in love. Ultimately the video was too personal to my wife and I, and highlighted the two of us over Wye Oak's track, so it was never released as an official music video.